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Ins & Outs - March 24, 2023, 1st day

by Free Association Lisbon -

Ins & Outs are soundbite comments by participants at the 36th Annual Conference of the European Psychoanalytical Federation, in Cannes, in 2023, on the "Conference Chronicles" section of the Wild Thoughts Blog.

Heribert Blass

EPF President / German Psychoanalytical Association

"To be here in Cannes, it was just amazing for me just to be here in this field, in this congress hall. As you know, we had first this catastrophy that Nice just cancelled our reservation last year. At first, I was totally upset because, what will happen now. And then we started to search for another venue and we went around all over France and all venues were either not available or too small. Then suddenly, just due to the very good research done by our PCO, we found Cannes. Just a few kilometers near Nice. And then, with the connection to the theme, illusion, just luck, wonderful. So then, I was very much looking forward to this and just the opening now, here, being here in this festival hall, it feels very good. And now, I'm also happy that the beginning, in spite of some technical problems, I think was very good and you could take up the theme. Also what I find very important, I didn't know the paper of Michael but it's just a wonder to my mind that there were some correspondences between my first attempt to bring the both aspects of illusions to the forefront. The aspect of denial which is much more done by Freud and the other, today, working more with the potential of creativity contained in the illusions. This is something which I think was brought up by me just in the opening ceremony, but then underlined, carried on and emphasized by Michael Günter and also by Angela Joyce and I like this. So, I'm confident. This is a good first step and you know, we all need good openings and in my mind, my impression is that it is a good opening."

Michael Günter - German Psychoanalytical Association

First Plenary on the Theme Illusions: The Paradox of Illusions in Child Development. Destruction on the Existing and Catastrophic Change, Wish Fulfillment or Clinging to the Ruins of the Past

"Well, how was it for me to present? I think it was in so far relaxing as I had to deliver my presentation already in the beginning of January. So, I was very, very calm. It was very good for me. Normally I work on the presentation until the evening or in the night before the presentation. And on the other hand, it is a special situation to present on the EPF, such a great auditorium and internationally. The discussion was very interesting, but it is always the problem that discussion is very short. So, there are some ideas coming up and you cannot discuss them in depth. That would be great, but you cannot resolve it. You can only do what we will do in the morning afterwards. Have a discussion group and discuss it more deeply, what we are thinking and explaining our ideas to each other. For me, it is very important to hear what colleagues think about the work."

Luísa Branco Vicente - President Portuguese Psychoanalytical Society

"It has been a fantastic experience. From the scientific point of view, but also in terms of affects, fraternity and friendship. I think that's something that makes us believe that psychoanalysis is alive and that it's worth continuing with the psychoanalytic movement. It is not an illusion. It is a dream. A dream that is turning into reality and finds it’s way into the future."

From Cannes, 2023, 36th Annual Conference of the European Psychoanalytical Federation

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